More Persuasive Arguments and Calls to Action from Students of The Electric Word: Second Year Composition

Langston Hill discusses the gender inequities in “Japan: Do Japanese Men Rule the Business World?” and make a clear call to action: “Although some Japanese think women are meant to stay home and not work, the Diet (a parliament) should pass a law stating that companies in Japan need to hire at least 40-50% more women.”

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Calls to Actions in Persuasive Arguments by Students of the Electric Word: Second Year Composition

William David argues in favor of renewable energy in “Is Renewable Energy Our Future?”: “Even though there are disadvantages in renewable energy, electrical engineers need to help make renewable energy the new main source of energy.”

In “Will You Switch to a Mediterranean Diet,” Karen Van recommends changing our American diet for a healthier one: “From the reduction in diseases to improvement in mood, it seems like a Mediterranean diet is the way to go. I think, if it were possible, America would just stop the production of all processed foods. A larger population of people would be much more healthier. However, I highly doubt that will happen, so the second best thing would be for Americans to choose to switch over to a Mediterranean diet.”

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Posts by Students Scholars on Hip Hop, TV, Acting, and Japanese Culture

Langston Hill in The Ingredients of Japanese Culture makes recommendations of blogs related to certain elements of Japanese culture. He writes, “During my research, I collected have a list of blog recommendations in specific categories I’d like to share with you. Each blog I’m going to share with you focuses on specific points in the Japanese culture. They all have a variety of different topics they discuss. It ranges from the food to the culture of Japan.”

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Posts by Student Scholars on Business and Accounting

In My Primary Source and Who I Worship For Corporate Event Planning, Emily Abel writes about Colin Cowie, an event planner. Abel writes, “Cowie shows us many examples of event that he has planned and makes sure he covers all the bases to make sure you trust him to the fullest capacity. He speaks of different branches of each event including: food and beverage, service, and design. With all of these aspects he also includes amazing images of the events he has achieved in planning in the past.”

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Posts on Hospitality and Tourism Management, Environmental Studies, and Health

Hospitality and Tourism Management

Sophia Wirtz in Finding the Best Hotel for You writes, “Most people research their hotel before booking it – or at least, hire someone to do so. This is for good reason. Nothing ruins a vacation quite like a hair in the tub or having your booking canceled. It is especially important to research your hotel if it is in a foreign country. You can’t imagine the stress of something going wrong with your hotel in a country where you don’t speak the language.”

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Blog Posts by Student Scholars in Child Development and Psychology

According to Louis Pegross in his post Youth in Violent Culture, “In a perfect world violence wouldn’t be a problem or something that needs to be discussed. However, since it is we need everyones thought and experience in order teach the youth to come. Teaching them about violence is just another way to show them what is right and wrong. Also there is a violent culture and not one is safe, not even ignorance can save people.”

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Posts about Medicine and Science from Student Blogs

William David in his post Respected Engineering Organizations, writes. “Engineers should always be searching ways to better improve their craft in whatever field of engineering they choose to be a part of. These organizations that I mention could help any engineer looking for a society to join to help better themselves and to learn from one another. These organizations help bring the best out of engineers and if you are looking to join and learn, you should learn from the best. And these organizations do not disappoint.”

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Student Blogs for The Electric Word: Second Year Composition at San Francisco State University

Hip Hop

Kasey Pham’s blog District Cypher is “a blog meant to show the heart and soul of a cypher. As we examine many different dancers, we can see their attitude towards the dance and another dancer’s response. We will also be examining after the cypher to see what new bonds were made. The goal of this blog is to attract any that it may interest and hopefully create a more unified bboy community within the Bay Area, perhaps even the world.”

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Syllabus for the Electric Word: English 214 Second Year Composition

English 214: Second Year Written Composition

Instructor: Ronald B. Richardson

Course Description

Welcome to the Electric Word: Second Year Composition! I look forward to the exchange of ideas with all of you as we explore reading, research, critical thinking, and writing in primarily digital environments.

A Hybrid Course: Half of the classes for this course will be face to face in a traditional classroom; for the other half, we will meet asynchronously online through iLearn, the course management system at SFSU. We will meet physically every Monday and half of the Wednesdays (see the course schedule). The other half of the Wednesdays and all Fridays will be online. When classes are online, students may complete the class work any time that day or earlier. Because of the hybrid nature of this course, students should be self-motivated and good at time management.

Blogs and Other Genres: We will spend most of the semester creating our own blogs and exploring a topic related to our majors, potential majors, or possible careers, which should help us develop digital literacy and build knowledge and writing skills in our fields. Because of the highly digital nature of this course, students should be comfortable with computers. On the other hand, this course may be a good way for students to become more familiar with them.

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